Post-Punk Eco Moss Graffiti

I can’t remember where I saw an example of moss graffiti online, but it looked so neat I wanted to try it for myself. My house does not have a good moist, shady place for moss graffiti to flourish. I chose our shadiest spot in our side yard to try it.

You have to start with some actual moss so I (don’t tell anyone but I snitched some moss from the very mossy courtyard at the Landscape Horticulture Dept. of Merritt). So, contraband moss in hand, I popped that in to a blender with some buttermilk, water, and sugar and then headed out do some painting.

I did some freehand designs and then I made a stencil of Joan Jett because why wouldn’t I? I cut that out of printer paper and then traced it on to the wall with a pencil and painted inside it.

What would Joan Jett do?

I’m thinking she would not be putzing around with moss graffiti in her backyard. Whatever, this was fun. The moss did not grow and flourish. Instead, it just sort of dried up and stayed there.